How many generations back can you trace your family in America? I bet for some of you, you are a fourth-generation America born citizen, or maybe even the first. My maternal grandfather was a first-generation immigrant from Norway. I recently discovered that my paternal 9 times great grandfather was on the Mayflower in 1620. I’m lucky to have been able to trace so many relatives back to their counties of origin and to have had parents who passed on their stories. I’m proud to be of Dutch, English, Scottish, Norwegian, and Danish descent.
Knowing my origins gives me a sense of belonging, a respect for history, and for the world around me. I often think about the grit and determination of my relatives who left their family, culture, and language to pursue the American dream. It wasn’t easy then, nor is it easy today. It requires sacrifice, humility, flexibility, confidence, and tenacity. I am the result of their sacrifice and vision. Knowing this grounds me. It humbles me and it makes me grateful.
Ode to an Immigrant
For Edward Doty, James Churchward, Odd Lund, T & A Cherian
and all those who have dared to dream
I have said goodbye to all I know
my language, home, and culture
Arrived in a new land where all is virgin and foreign
I feel born again as a motherless child
navigating this place with no one to catch me when I fall
No one knows of my past accomplishments
nor the skills I offered in my motherland
I am starting over after a lifetime of proving myself
as I reach out for my American dream