(Dedicated to Talequah J35 on the loss of J61)

Great black sails rise from the deep

slicing through the water.

We spy you rounding the corner

from the Narrows into Hales Passage.


Neighbors sprint from their houses

congregating along the shore

eager to catch a glimpse of

Southern Resident Orcas.


J Pod’s on a hunting mission

swimming, breeching, spy hopping.

They are the Yin and Yang

of the deep.


Legend tells that Orcas protect

those who travel away from home

and will lead them back when the time comes.

I hope it’s true, and they lead me back to the Point.

*2022 Poems of the Point, Lauri Cruver Cherian

Calf mortality rate is 50% -Southern Resident killer whales are not getting enough Chinook salmon which are endangered. Pollutants in the water and climate change also pose a problem.

Lauri Cherian

Lauri Cruver Cherian is a poet and an author from the Pacific Northwest.




The most and least