Four Anxious Armadillos

Set in Argentina, there is just enough Spanish in this story for you to learn about 50 words, pick up fun facts about armadillos, and even learn some practical anxiety coping skills!

This book will be the perfect gift for kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, and counselors.

Lauri was inspired to write Four Anxious Armadillos after an armadillo burrowed under her patio. Prompted to educate herself on armadillo behavior, Lauri’s internet search on the local nine-banded armadillos found in Texas, led her to other armadillos, such as the pink fairy armadillo of Argentina, the screaming hairy armadillo of Bolivia, and the three-banded armadillo of Brazil. She thought, “This is too good to be true; these characters deserve a story!”

Each armadillo specie has their own unique way of responding to anxiety, just as we humans do, so perhaps we can learn some anxiety coping skills as we take an adventure south to Argentina with four anxious armadillos!

Four Anxious Armadillos won 2024 Storytrade Book Awards Finalist for Children Middle Grade Fiction for ages 8-12. 2024 Storytrade Book Awards Winners and Finalists (


four anxious armadillos


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I am thrilled to have discovered the book, Four Anxious Armadillos. I used it with 6th graders at a primary school in Argentina, where the students' English proficiency is at an A1+ level. The students were captivated by the relatable characters and especially enjoyed that some of the adventures that took place in our own country.

Given the book's complexity, it was challenging for the students to read independently. To address this, I introduced some background information about armadillos beforehand. The story's accurate depiction of armadillo characteristics made it easier for students to understand how these traits influenced the characters' actions, which significantly enhanced their comprehension of the text.

The students were highly engaged by the story and eager to discover how the four armored friends resolved their challenges. The human values and anxiety-coping techniques presented in the book offer a valuable resource for teachers, allowing us to go beyond language instruction. The armadillos' experiences prompted thoughtful discussions in class.

I believe the book surpasses typical teaching resources by offering a wealth of new vocabulary, opportunities for exploring nature, animals, and various environments, and a meaningful connection to students' emotional needs, as regards feelings, friendship, and personal empowerment.

Sandra Aliotti

Escuela Ciudad, Bahia Blanca, Argentina


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